Three Steps for a Stress-Free Holiday Lift

This holiday season we offer our gratitude and stress-free wishes to all who are reading this article…
Read moreGuatemala English language Magazine
This holiday season we offer our gratitude and stress-free wishes to all who are reading this article…
Read moreI love avocados! Avocados have incredible health benefits and make a great addition to salads, sandwiches and smoothies, and of course it is the main ingredient of guacamole.
Read moreWhether sun, wind, rain or clouds embrace the mountains, one thing is always certain—in Guatemala, it’s just another day in paradise. Guatemala has many contrasts and cultural paradoxes. These contrasts are part of the journey of discovery. Whether you live here, or you’re on vacation, on a mission, a potential relocation or simply passing through, the discoveries that are yours […]
Read moreWritten by. Natalie Rose The Centro Visual G&G transforms the eye-care experience with the latest equipment, new services, and a soothing bedside manner. Walking into the new offices of Centro Visual G&G is like walking into a relaxing spa where you would go to be pampered, not to have your eye-care needs met. The distinctive eye-care facility was in the […]
Read moreWritten By Dr.Alejandro Paiz The waters of Lake Atitlán have a sedative force when you observe them, especially with the typical spectacular sunsets as a backdrop. Until recently, this was the only balm available for the poorest of the mentally ill in the Atitlán Basin. The beauty of the region hails from its unique topography, an irregularity that, while lovely, […]
Read moreOptimum hydration is essential for good skin tone and a healthy metabolism. Water clears toxins from our bodies and carries nutrients to our cells. Water is a solvent and can carry both healthy and unhealthy substances. Municipal water systems worldwide provide water; however, is it healthy? Sadly, many are not. Most municipalities use chlorine to kill bacteria in the water, […]
Read moreWritten By. Melissa Wood Admiring the majestic beauty of the volcanoes surrounding La Antigua Guatemala is one activity that is enjoyed by everyone. Never did I think that it would be raging such havoc on hair! After a few months of living here I began to notice a change in my hair; at first I thought it was just that […]
Read moreMost people believe that water is just “wet”—it’s water! Not true! There are different qualities to the water we ingest. Some water is contaminated or acidic, even after being purified. Some water is enlivened and carries a different molecular structure. Some water is micro-clustered and easier for the body to assimilate. Some water is “flat” and is slow to hydrate […]
Read moreRecent data reveals that at least 28 percent of Guatemalans suffer from some kind of mental disorder during their lifetime… Only 0.9% of the Guatemala’s health budget is dedicated to mental health… there are 0.57 psychiatrists and 0.35 psychologists per 100,000 residents.
Read morewritten by Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa Industrialized countries enjoy a wide variety of technology and conveniences. From washing machines to microwaves, we have grown dependent upon our appliances. We depend upon petroleum-based transportation and consume tons of plastics each year. Entire infrastructures, especially food production and delivery industries, are based upon petroleum products. A large portion of household […]
Read moreWith no conscious effort at all, our bones and joints and muscles engage as one miraculous mechanical unit. They propel us forward, as intended, with perfectly syncopated balance and strength. That is, until the pain starts. Sometimes it’s a dull ache in the hips or a “slippery,” unstable feeling in the knees that gives you concern. Ibuprophen and other anti-inflammatories […]
Read moreState-of-the-art treatment centers and excellent oncologists offer viable options for patients Just say the word “cancer” and all sorts of emotions arise. Maybe we remember the sadness and loss of a co-worker or neighbor. Sometimes the grief strikes closer to home, like my husband, or your sister, or worse, a child. But more and more, we are experiencing another set […]
Read moreNo matter where you reside, your life is now technology driven. Technology that was intended to liberate us, to provide more free time and productivity, has over the decades, enslaved us. In recent history, the change started 120 years ago with the development of factory production lines and electric appliances. The introduction of automobiles and technologies such as refrigeration has […]
Read moreWhat distinguishes Día del cariño from the popularized Valentine’s Day celebrations is that in Central America the day is primarily about all relationships and those we care for, about letting friends know you care for them, assuring family and partners of your love for them. Gifts aren’t the most important thing—the emphasis here is on quality time instead and being with those you most care about.
Read moreThe future of curing disease and restoring youth Your body is in a constant state of renewal. With every breath you take, the stem cells inside your body are renewing and regenerating themselves. These seemingly miraculous cells have the ability to transform themselves into brand new healthy cells to replace the sick or worn out cells in your muscles, organs, […]
Read moreLocals and visitors shape up at Antigua’s Gym Located at 6a calle poniente #31, An- tigua’s Gym has been giving locals and visitors alike a place to work out for the past nine years. The gym itself is unique. Pass through the reception area into the central room and you’ll find yourself under a large tent, simi- lar to a […]
Read moreA great challenge in life is to see ourselves as we really are. It’s one of those twisted tricks the universe plays on us! Our image of ourselves has been carefully pieced together from what we can see in the mirror (though often with blinders), from what we’ve learned about ourself through personal experiences, and by internalizing the judgments of […]
Read moreLife is a process of becoming. From the moment of birth the process begins through a combination of the stages we go through—infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood. In the early stages we move from one to another because there isn’t any choice. We can’t spend the rest of our lives in diapers or dragging around our security blanket! Many times during […]
Read moreThere is a human tendency to plug into that part of our nature that gravitates toward a groove and settles comfortably into it. Movement and growth come from surprises, serendipitous encounters, a nudge or even a hard shove. These moments, however small, are important, for they remind us that we always have the power of choice. The real challenge is […]
Read moreLife is often full of canto rodados (boulders) that stop us dead in our tracks. Those earthly problems threaten to absorb some or all emotional, physical and material resources. The meek play ostrich by sticking their head in the sand, thinking it will magically disappear; the mighty recoil in the shadow of the “procrastinator”—the Chief Constable of Manaña. A normal […]
Read moreServing over 30,000 people in seven departments, WINGS recently celebrated over a decade of achievements in the fields of family planning, reproductive health and improving the lives of Guatemalan families. With the theme “It All Begins With Family Planning …,” WINGS’ 10th anniversary launch party on March 17 brought 150 guests to Mesón Panza Verde in La Antigua, where they […]
Read moreIn some ways we’re wired like a computer. We receive “interrupt signals” informing us that something is demanding attention. We have similar choices about how to respond, like pausing the “program” we’re running or to ignore the signal. While hardware interrupts are hard to ignore, software ones are subtle and insidious. Appropriately, they’re also called “a trap.” Our busy doing-and-thinking […]
Read moreLove is in the air! Cupid’s bow is drawn and his wings are rustling. Whether the legend is the feast in honor of Juno, the goddess of women and marriage, the Roman St. Valentine, or the mating time of birds, around the globe, Valentine’s Day has traditionally been a celebration of romance. In some cultures, the Valentine’s Day festival has […]
Read moreWe all like a bit of a scare. As children we’ve gathered under blankets with flashlights and spooked each other with ghost stories. Even while in diapers and growing sea legs we threw on a sheet and screamed “Boo!” As far back in human history fairytales have been scary. On All Saints Day we satiate the desire to scare and […]
Read moreA wise mother bestowed upon her daughter a pearl of wisdom, “You have to find your own equation in life.” The pearl, encased in love and freedom, guided the daughter as she danced through life unencumbered by the equations of others. The daughter’s mother wasn’t talking about quadratic or cubic equations; she was referring to the human equation. Nevertheless, all […]
Read moreLife is a huge canvas onto which we can throw as much paint as we wish. A divine gift is the power to create whatever we want. It’s woven into the fabric of our being. Since we’re hardwired to create, we hold the brush with which to design the life we choose. Are you creating a masterpiece? Or are you […]
Read moreWhen you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror are you happy with the person who greets you? If you look yourself directly in the eye do you quickly look away? Before we put on our face and plunge into the day, what we see is who we are. Raw and exposed, we’re packaged up by the […]
Read moreDeeply ingrained in human nature is the intense yearning to be appreciated. As Mother Teresa said, “There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.” To be appreciated feels like our birthright, which is probably why we have high expectations. Feeling unappreciated tops the list of universal human complaints. We’ve all heard others lament, “They […]
Read moreWhen we cease to stumble all over ourselves, the path we trod in life becomes far less bumpy and boulders become pebbles! When something or someone treads on our path we stumble all over ourselves to get between them and us. Like a peacock we puff up, fan out our feathers and prance about. Armed with ammunition the old faithful […]
Read moreWhat a grand masquerade takes place on the great world stage! As Shakespeare pointed out we’re all mere players with entrances and exits. The masks we’ve chosen reflect the parts we play. With any luck we’ve also selected the parts—otherwise, they were probably hand-me-downs. Our mask has become the thing we always carry around with us; it’s our presentation—our storefront. […]
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