ANDAS Processional Floats in Antigua

All five senses are assaulted by the many sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch of the Lenten season, throughout Guatemala but especially in La Antigua. It is an intense period of sorrow, joy, regret, celebration that fills the days with sensual emotions. The ornately colorful carpets, the funereal marches and drums, the pungent corozo and pine odors, the tostadas and […]

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Velaciones, Processions and Semana Santa Calendar

Velaciones, Processions and Semana Santa Calendar

Here is a listing of the most prominent Processions, Velaciones (Holy Vigils) and Activities during Lent and Semana Santa in Antigua. Friday March 2 9am-11pm Velación Jesús Nazareno (Jocotenango Church-Jocotenango, Sac.) Saturday March 3 12pm Children’s Procession Replicas of Jesús Nazareno & Virgen de Dolores (Santa Ana Church, La Antigua) Sunday March 4 9am Procession Jesús Nazareno & Virgen de Dolores (Jocotenango, Sac.) […]

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