Traditions of Guatemala – Winners of the Revue Photo Contest August 2018
Here are the results of Traditions of Guatemala Photo Contest.

2nd PLACE “Chapin Sound / Sonido Chapin” Zone 1, Guatemala City, by Jorge Armando Revolorio Arizandiet

3rd PLACE “Dance of the Conquest / Baile de la Conquista” San Juan la Laguna, Sololá, by Alejandro José González

HONORABLE MENTION “Weaving with faith and hope / Tejiendo con fe y esperanza” Panajachel, Atitlán, by Lolita Kato

3rd PLACE “Music and offerings for rain / Música y ofrendas por lluvia” Laguna de Chicabal, Quetzaltenango, by Guido De León
THANK YOU to all the participating photographers — Guatemala has such a rich history of traditions.
You can see all of the excellent submissions on the Revue Facebook page
The winners and a many of the submitted photographs will be published in the August, 2018 digital, interactive issue of Revue.
To receive your prizes, please write to
Here is the list of prizes:
* Winners outside the Antigua area, will receive their Ganorsa Pet Care Package via GuatEx
Unbelievable! Simply fantastic photos. Congrats to all!!!!
excelentes fotografias las ganadoras