Rivers & Lakes of Guatemala – Winners of the Revue Photo Contest July 2018
Here are the results of Rivers & Lakes Photo Contest.

1st PLACE “Luz de Atitlán / Atitlán’s Light” by Jorge A. Revolorio A. Prize: Q200 and a Q500 Ganorsa Pet Care Package

2nd PLACE “Desde el Puente Río Dulce” Livingston, by Byron Eliseo Tenas Lucero. Prize: Q100 and a Q500 Ganorsa Pet Care Package

1st PLACE “La noche vibra historias, el cuerpo descansa y la mente camina’” Panajachel, Sololá, by Rodrigo Sergio Saravia Lino. Prize: Q200 and a Q500 Ganorsa Pet Care Package

2nd PLACE “Atitlan lugar de ensueño” Panajachel, by Victor Hugo Xalcut. Prize: Q100 and a Q500 Ganorsa Pet Care Package

HONORABLE MENTION “La mejor expresión de la Naturaleza” El Rio Los Esclavos, Chiquimulilla Santa Rosa, by @digitalfeycerfotografia

HONORABLE MENTION “Swimming in Rippled Reflections / La Buena Onda de Nadar” Laguna Lachúa, Alta Verapaz, by Alejandra Durbin.
THANK YOU to all the participating photographers — What a way to show off the beauty of Guatemala.
You can see all of the excellent submissions on the Revue Facebook page
The winners and a many of the submitted photographs will be published in the July, 2018 DIGITAL transition issue of Revue.
To receive your prizes, please write to consultas@revuemag.com
Here is the list of prizes:
* Winners outside the Antigua area, will receive their Ganorsa Pet Care Package via GuatEx