Regional Symposium on Coffee and Health held in El Salvador

Attended by more than 400 people from Central America, the Regional Symposium on Coffee and Health was aimed at breaking most of the coffee-consumption myths held by the general public and especially among health professionals. The event was opened by El Salvador President Elias Antonio Saca and attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Mario Salaverría; the Minister of Health, José Guillermo Maza; the Presidential Coffee Commissioner, José Antonio Salaverría; and the Executive Director of the Coffee Council of El Salvador, Ricardo Espitia.
The Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, Néstor Osorio, gave the keynote speech, in which he highlighted the role of the ICO over the last five years, providing information about coffee and health. Expert speakers included Dr. Cristina Scaccini (Italy), Dr. Astrid Nehlig (France) and Professor Jaako Tuomilehto (Finland). Topics included coffee and antioxidants, mental performance, Alzheimer’s and diabetes II. In addition, Sylvia Robert-Sargeant (UK) made a presentation on the Positively Coffee and Health Care Professions Programs. The first day was targeted to a general audience, while the second was specifically directed to members of the medical and healthcare professions.

Symposium participants decided to start a coordinated effort to disseminate information by medical professionals on coffee and health issues. Twenty doctors from Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador signed a letter of understanding to establish a regional association of coffee and health. More information on the topic can be found at

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