Pets of Guatemala Winners of the Revue Photo Contest Oct. 2019
Pets of Guatemala is one of our favorite themes for the Photo Contest, and judging by the number of wonderful submissions we received, a lot of photographers liked it too.
Please see “CHANGES IN THE PHOTO CONTEST” below for updated rulings and prize distribution.
Here are the results of this month’s contest in both categories, Popular Vote (most “likes”) and Winners by Editorial Decision.
The sponsor of our monthly photo contests Antigua Hotel Solutions is awarding to the winning photographer of 1st Place by Editorial Decision a
FREE NIGHT FOR 2 at the Hotel San Jorge
The prize for 1st Place by Popular Vote is Q400.
Second place in both categories is Q100, and 3rd place Q50
You can see all of the great photographs at fb.Revuemagazine/pets
Here are the winning photographs…

1st Place Judges’ Vote “What do dogs do on their day off? Can’t lie around, that’s their job.” Santa Delfina, Antigua by Steven Pellecer — pet owner Guillermo Farfán
Thank you very much to all of the photographers who participated, the judges had a lot of trouble deciding. After carefully reviewing some of the popular voting methods this month, we came up with the following…
CHANGES IN THE PHOTO CONTEST, starting next month: We have been having fun with the Photo Contest for years, and now, in the interest of fairness, we have to make a few adjustments for the prize winners for the Popular Vote category. A very few people have been “trying too hard” to win the Q400 prize money, and ruining the spirit of the contest for everyone else.
So, starting next month, the prize money for the Popular Vote category will be Q100 for EACH of the TOP FOUR photographers with the most likes.
And, the winners can only win one month per every six months.
The Judges’ Pick category will stay the same, with the winner receiving a free hotel night in Antigua, 2nd place Q100, 3rd Q50.
We hope this change (starting Nov. 2019) makes it more fun and fair to participate in our contest.
Thank you.
Muchas gracias a todos los fotógrafos que participaron, los jueces tuvieron muchos problemas para decidir. Después de revisar cuidadosamente algunos de los métodos de votación populares este mes, se nos ocurrió lo siguiente…
CAMBIOS EN EL CONCURSO FOTOGRÁFICO, Nov. 2019: Nos hemos divertido con el Concurso Fotográfico por años, por eso ahora, preocupados por hacerlo más justo para todos, hemos hecho unos pequeños ajustes con respecto al premio para los ganadores por Voto Popular. Algunas personas han estado “esforzándose mucho” para ganar el premio de Q400, aruinando de esta manera el espíritu del concurso para el resto de los participantes.
Así que, a partir de ahora, el premio para la categoría de Voto Popular, será de Q100 para cada uno de los 4 fotógrafos participantes con más likes.
Y únicamente se puede ganar una vez cada seis meses.
La categoría por decisión Editorial, permanece igual, el ganador recibirá la noche de Hotel en Antigua, el segundo lugar Q100 y el tercer lugar Q50.
Esperamos que con este cambio (a partir de noviembre de 2019), el concurso se vuelva más justo y divertido para todos los participantes
The pet-friendly sponsor of our monthly photo contests Antigua Hotel Solutions
is awarding to the winning photographer of 1st Place by Editorial Decision a
FREE NIGHT FOR 2 at Hotel San Jorge in La Antigua
The prize for 1st Place by Popular Vote is Q400.
Second place in both categories is Q100, and 3rd place Q50
In their own words “We are excited to present to you our 12 beautiful, traditionally-styled hotels, all of which offer outstanding service and quality at a great value. We have a hotel to cater to every traveler´s need and budget.”
**Restrictions that apply to the hotel stay: The room is for no more than 2 persons. Valid through 2019. Dates that are unavailable: from March 16 to April 22 and from Dec. 28 to Dec. 31.