Music in Guatemala Winners of the Revue Photo Contest Dec. 2019
Winners of this month’s Photo Contest, Music in Guatemala
Here are the results of this month’s contest in both categories, Popular Vote (most “likes”) and Winners by Editorial Decision.
The sponsor of our monthly photo contests Antigua Hotel Solutions is awarding to the winning photographer of 1st Place by Editorial Decision a
FREE NIGHT FOR 2 at the Camelias Inn Hotel in La Antigua.
The prize for each of the first 4 Places (co-winners) by Popular Vote is Q100 each.
Second place in Editorial Decision is Q100, and 3rd place Q50
You can see all of the great photographs at fb.Revuemagazine/music
Here are the winning photographs…

Popular Vote Co-Winner “Reflections of a Xela Tradition” Quetzaltenango Central Park by Rachael Shenyo

Popular Vote Co-Winner ” Iluminando con las cuerdas del Rock nacional” Colomba, Quetzaltenango by César Gramajo Fotografía

Popular Vote Co-Winner “Corazón del cielo” Santa María Cahabón by Terencio Tiul Fernandez

Popular Vote Co-Winner “La música es mi formula y motivación” Centro Cultural Universitario CCU by Milena Palacios

1st Place Judges Vote ” Chirimía” Tactic, Alta Verapaz by German Velásquez

2nd Place Judges Vote “Puro Sentimiento” TrovaRock, Guatemala City, Zona 1 by Luis Aldana

3rd Place Judges Vote “Watcha” Panajachel, Lake Atitlán by Nash de Saint Germain
Thanks to all of the photographers for sharing their talent.
The sponsor of our monthly photo contests Antigua Hotel Solutions
is awarding to the winning photographer of 1st Place by Editorial Decision a
FREE NIGHT FOR 2 at Camelias Inn Hotel in La Antigua.
The prizes for Popular Vote are Q100 to each of the 4 photos with the highest votes. Second place in Editorial Decision is Q100, and 3rd place Q50.
To claim your prize write to
In their own words “We are excited to present to you our 12 beautiful, traditionally-styled hotels, all of which offer outstanding service and quality at a great value. We have a hotel to cater to every traveler´s need and budget.”
**Restrictions that apply to the hotel stay: The room is for no more than 2 persons. Valid through 2019. Dates that are unavailable: from March 16 to April 22 and from Dec. 28 to Dec. 31.