16th Annual REVUE Photo Issue – January 2019

Alert to all Photographers

16th Annual REVUE Photo Issue

We invite you to submit your favorite Guatemala photo for the Revue 16th Annual Photo Issue (January, 2019).

Send 1 hi-res photo to: photos@revuemag.com before Dec. 12, 2018.


Atención Fotógrafos

Los invitamos a enviar su foto favorita de Guatemala para la 16ava Edición Anual de Fotografía Revue (enero 2019).

Envíenos 1 fotografía en alta resolución a: photos@revuemag.com antes del 12 de diciembre de 2018.

REVUE magazine

One comment

  • Hey!

    I’m De Medeiros, from Brasil.
    I’m around Lake Atitlan for a couple days taking a lot pictures, and im also looking for work as a photographer. So it’s gonna be very significant for me if you can check my Instagram (and there you can visit my portfolio) to see my work. Actually im still studying photography, but im working hard!

    Thank you for your attention!

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