Gallery of the Inauguration of Pattie Trayno’s Exhibit at Panza Verde Gallery

Gallery of the Inauguration of Pattie Trayno's Exhibit at Panza Verde Gallery by Nelo Mijangos

Galería Panza Verde is currently showing the photographic work of Pattie Traynor entitled “Grace.” Pattie Traynor, a California native, is presenting a series of portraits from four different destinations where she has traveled. Traynor stills uses black and white film for her photography.

Galería Panza Verde se encuentra exponiendo el arte fotográfico de Pattie Traynor. Fotógrafa de Los Angeles California que presenta una serie de retratos y personajes de 4 distintas lugares a los que viajado. Pattie continua utilizando pelicula en blanco y negro para su trabajo.

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